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TGA approves Moderna COVID-19 vaccine for children six-months to five years | ABC News
TGA approves COVID-19 vaccine for children aged six months to five years | 9 News Australia
Therapeutic Goods Administration approves Moderna COVID-19 vaccine for young children | ABC News
TGA approves Moderna COVID-19 vaccine for young children | Coronavirus | 9 News Australia
Moderna vaccine approved for children
IN FULL: TGA provisionally approves Moderna for young children | ABC News
Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine approved for children ages 6 to 11
COVID-19 vaccines for children under 5 years old authorised by FDA in the US | ABC News
ATAGI approves COVID-19 vaccine for ‘at-risk’ children under five | 9 News Australia
Australia could be part of Moderna vaccine trial for children
COVID-19 Moderna vaccine approved for 'vulnerable' children under five years | 9 News Australia
COVID-19 vaccine for kids could be available within four weeks | Coronavirus | 9 News Australia